Terms and Conditions – For Accessing Or Using The Property, The Real Property, Business Personal Property and Assets
The Physical Property (“Property”) on which the Pagosa Springs Golf Club (“PSGC”) is operated is private property and may only be accessed via the golf Clubhouse and utilized by paying the appropriate fee(s) for the authorized activity. Access, activity, use or other without the written authorization or the payment of the appropriate fee(s) is prohibited and trespassing.
The Property is a Fee Based access property only, you must pay the appropriate fee to access the Property or participate in any activity on the course.
Property legal boundaries are noted by the legally registered Alta Survey and legal documents and includes the entire real and improved property, lakes, ponds, paths, cart paths, native areas, trees, landscapes, minerals, water, buildings, signage, etc. Do not assume, it is your sole responsibility to know the legally registered boundaries.
Any type of encroachment into the property, i.e. beyond the legal boundaries, is not legally recognized and may be removed by the Property or PSGC at its discretion at any time, now or in the future. Not removing the encroachment does not mean Property or PSGC is authorizing the encroachment or giving up its legal rights to do so.
All businesses or uses within Property boundaries are at the sole discretion of PSGC or the Property owner. Any business conducted on the Property must be authorized by the Property or PSGC in writing.
Activities, uses or other may or may not be listed on this website or public information and is at the sole discretion of the Property and PSGC and the legal Property owner. Access or activities and their associated fees may or may not be published, you must pay the appropriate fees to access or use the Property for any purpose. Some activities are classified as exclusive and not open to the public. Public access is only for those activities that the Property or PSGC authorizes and are published as such.
Removal, alteration, building, changing, or other of any real or personal property including but not limited to: rocks, minerals, turf, trees, landscaping, paths, improvements, assets, water, business personal property or anything attached or not attached to or from the Property is strictly prohibited and illegal and considered theft and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Covid 19 & Other Communicable Diseases & Viruses Notice. Please note that PSGC and the Property assume no liability and make no claim, guarantee or other regarding your personal health safety or exposure while on the Property. Due to the unknown and uncertainty of communicable viruses and diseases we are making no claims, statements, guarantees or other that the cleaning and sanitization methods we employ are effective. Additionally, any cleaning and sanitization methods can be breeched simply by a carrier of the virus touching an area that was cleaned and sanitized seconds earlier. By accessing and using the Property, its BPP or assets you agree to indemnify and assume all liability and release the Property, PSGC, its owners, managers, employees, affiliates, lessors, lessees,vendors and assigns unconditionally from all liability of any type. If you do not agree to this then please do not access the property and/or exit the property immediately.
Additionally, you understand the game of golf or other activities undertaken on the property are inherently dangerous and by accessing it you agree to assume all liability and release the Property, PSGC, its owners, managers, employees, affiliates, lessors, lessees and assigns unconditionally from all liability of any type. If you do not agree to this then please do not access the property and/or exit the property immediately. Additionally, you understand, agree and assume all liability and unconditionally release PSGC or the Property, for any damage you cause to the Property or assets thereon or to any 3rd party property on or adjacent to the Property.
By accessing the Pagosa Springs Golf Club and Property you confirm & attest that you have followed the guidelines, requirements & mandates by all federal, state, local and other agencies regarding the COVID 19 virus or other communicable diseases prior to and during your time on the Property, and are entering or accessing the property and or playing the game of golf or using other products and services offered by PSGC at your sole discretion and you agree to assume all liability and unconditionally indemnify and release the Pagosa Springs Golf Club, Property owners, managers, staff of any and all liability.
There is only one legal and authorized entrance to the Pagosa Springs Golf Club and Property at 1 Pines Club Place, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147, entering any other way is illegal and trespassing.Whether you choose to enter the Property legally or illegally you are still bound by the Terms and Conditions of Access and all of the rules and regulations posted herein and elsewhere on the golfpagosa.com website or facilities or as verbally communicated.If entering illegally, full prosecutorial privilege is retained by PSGC, the Property owners and Lessees.
You may reach the management at 970.731.4755, if you can not reach the management do not assume you may access the Property as these restrictions and prohibitions remain intact and may not be severed for any reason.
Weapons, alcohol, federally illegal substances of any type are prohibited and not allowed at PSGC or on the Property.